Recent publications resulting from research and other initiatives supported by the Foundation include:
- Thwin KM, Ogawa H, Phantumvanit P, Miyazaki H, Songpaisan Y. Oral health-related quality of life in the Myanmar population: The first national oral health survey 2016 – 2017 Community Dental Health (2024) 41, 158–163
- Booth, J, Erwin, J, Burns L, Axford N, Horrell J, Wheat H, Witton R, Shawe J, Doughty J, Kaddour S et al. A scoping review of the oral health status, oral health behaviours and interventions to improve the oral health of children and young people in care and care leavers. Dent. J. 2024, 12,38.,38.
- Erwin J, Burns L, Devalia U, et al. Co-production of health and social science research with vulnerable children and young people: a rapid review. Health Expect. 2024;27:e13991. doi:10.1111/hex.13991
- Erwin J, Horrell J, Wheat H, Axford N, Burns L, Booth J, Witton R, Shawe J, Doughty J, Kaddour S et al. Access to dental care for children and young people in care and care leavers: a global scoping review. Dent. J. 2024, 12, 37.
- Stangvaltaite-Mouhat, R. Skudutyte-Rysstad, H. Ko, I. Stankeviciene, J. Aleksejuniene, and A. Puriene. Co-occurrence of dental caries and periodontitis: multilevel modelling approach. BMC.Oral Health 24 (1):149, 2024.
- Abreu-Placeres N, Ekstrand KR, Garrido LE, Bakhshandeh A and Martignon S (2023) An interdisciplinary intervention program to prevent early childhood caries in the Dominican Republic. Front. Oral. Health 4:1176439. doi: 10.3389/froh.2023.1176439
- Abuhaloob L, Petersen PE. Health-promoting schools project for Palestine children’s oral health International Dental Journal 2023
- Al-Mahdi R, Stangvaltaite-Mouhat L, Aleksejuniene J, Stankeviciene I, Tommeras B, Puriene A, and Al-Haroni M. Association between Carbonic Anhydrase VI Gene Copy Number Variations and Dental Caries Experience. Caries Res. 57 (1):67-73, 2023.
- Stangvaltaite-Mouhat L, Aleksejuniene J, Bendinskaite R, Mdala I, Stankeviciene I, Puriene A, and Skudutyte-Rysstad R. The 20-Year Trends in Caries and Associated Determinants among Adults in Post-Soviet Lithuania: Repeated Cross-Sectional Studies. Caries Res. 57 (1):1-11, 2023.
- Turton B, Sullivan S, Chher T, Hak S, Sokal-Gutierrez K, Wieringa F, Singh A. Caries Incidence Is Associated with Wasting among Cambodian Children. J Dent Res. 2023 Feb;102(2):157-163. doi: 10.1177/00220345221126713. Epub 2022 Oct 10. PMID: 36217721.
- Balasooriyan A, Dedding C, Bonifacio CC, Van der Veen MH. Professionals’ perspectives on how to address persistent oral health inequality among young children: an exploratory multi-stakeholder analysis in a disadvantaged neighbourhood of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. BMC Oral Health. 2022;22:488
- Dawson ER, Stennett M, Daly B, et al. Upstream interventions to promote oral health and reduce socioeconomic oral health inequalities: a scoping review protocol. BMJ Open 2022;12:e059441. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2021-059441
- Do LG, Song YH, Du M, Spencer AJ, Ha DH. Socioecological determinants of child oral health—A scoping review. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2022;00:1-13. doi:10.1111/cdoe.12819
- Drachev S.N, Puriene A, Aleksejuniene J, Stankeviciene I, and Stangvaltaite-Mouhat J. Prevalence of and factors associated with dental service utilization among early elderly in Lithuania. BMC.Health Serv.Res. 22 (1):16, 2022.
- Kumah AE, Eskandari F, Azevedo LB, John S, Zohoori FV. Mapping the evidence for monitoring fluoride exposure in community prevention programmes for oral health using nail clippings and spot urine samples: a scoping review BMC Oral Health 2022;22:575
- Peres KG, Nascimento GG, Gupta A, Singh A, Schertel Cassiano L. Rugg-Gunn A. Scoping review of oral health-related birth cohort studies: Toward a global consortium. J. Dent. Res. 2022 (onlinefirst)
- Sah O, Maguire A, Zohoori F.V. Fractional urinary fluoride excretion and nail fluoride concentrations in normal, wasted and stunted 4–5 year-old children in Nepal. J Trace Elem Med Biol 2022;69:126876 (online ahead of print)
- Vitosyte M, Puriene A, Stankeviciene I, Rimkevicius A, Trumpaite-Vanagiene R, Aleksejuniene J, Stangvaltaite-Mouhat L. Oral Health among Adult Residents in Vilnius, Lithuania. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Jan 5;19(1):582. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19010582.
- Abuhaloob L, Petersen PE. Oral health status and oral health behaviour among 5- to 6-year-old Palestinian Schoolchildren – Towards engagement of parents and schoolteachers for oral health through schools. Oral Health Prev Dent 2021;19:673-682.
- Renggli EP, Turton B, Sokal-Gutierrez K, Hondru G, Chher T, Hak S, Poirot E, Laillou A. Stunting malnutrition associated with severe tooth decay in Cambodian Toddlers. Nutrients. 2021;13:290.
- Sava-Rosianu, R, Campus, G, Matichescu, A, Balean, O, Dumitrache, M.A, Lucaciu, P.O, Daguci, L, Barlean, M.C, Maricutoiu, L, Postolache, M et al. Caries Prevalence Associated with Oral Health-Related Behaviors among Romanian Schoolchildren. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021;18:6515. ijerph18126515
- Stangvaltaite-Mouhat L, Purienne A, Aleksejuniene J, Stankeviciene I, Tommeras B and Al-Haroni M. Amylase Alpha 1 Gene (AMY1) Copy Number Variation and Dental Caries Experience: A Pilot Study among Adults in Lithuania Caries Res 2021;55:174–182.
- Stangvaltaite-Mouhat L, Puriene A, Stankeviciene I, and Aleksejuniene J. Fluoride in the drinking water and dental caries experience by tooth surface susceptibility among adults. BMC.Oral Health 2021;(1):234.
- Stankeviciene I, Puriene A, Mieliauskaite D, Stangvaltaite-Mouhat L, and Aleksejuniene J. Detection of xerostomia, Sicca, and Sjogren's syndromes in a national sample of adults. BMC.Oral Health 2021;(1):552.
- Stankeviciene I, Aleksejuniene J, Puriene A, and Stangvaltaite-Mouhat L. Association between Diet and Xerostomia: Is Xerostomia a Barrier to a Healthy Eating Pattern? Nutrients. 2021;13(12):4235. doi: 10.3390/nu13124235
- Peres KG, Thomson WM, Chaffee BW, Peres MA, Birungi N, Do LG, Feldens CA, Fontana M, Marshall TA, Pitiphat W, Seow WK, Wagner Y, Wong HM, Rugg-Gunn AJ. Oral Health Birth Cohort Studies: Achievements, Challenges, and Potential. J Dent Res. 2020;
- Petersen PE, Baez RJ, Ogawa H. Global application of oral disease prevention and health promotion as measured 10 years after the 2007 World Health Assembly statement on oral health. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2020;00:1–11.
- Phurpa D, Ngedup S, Pem D, Lee MA. Oral Health Status of 3- to 5 -Year-old children attending early childhood care and development centers in Bhutan: A pilot study. Bhutan Health Journal. 2020;6(2)19-26.
- Sah O, Maguire A, Zohoori FV. Effect of altitude on urinary, plasma and nail fluoride levels in children and adults in Nepal. J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2020;57:1-8.
- Stangvaltaite-Mouhat L, Puriene A, Stankeviciene I, Aleksejuniene J. Erosive tooth wear among adults in Lithuania: a cross-sectional national oral health study. Caries Res. 2020;54:283-291.
- Szöke J, Petersen PE. Changing levels of dental caries over 30 years among children in a country of central and Eastern Europe – The case of Hungary. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2020;18:177-183.
- Breda J, Jowell J, Keller A. The importance of the World Health Organization sugar guidelines for dental health and obesity prevention. Caries Res. 2019;53:149-152.
- Van Loveren C. Sugar restriction for caries prevention: Amount and frequency. Which is more important? Caries Res. 2019;53:168-175.
- Markovic D, Soldatovic I, Vukovic R, Peric T, Campus GG, Vukovic A. How much country economy influences ECC profile in Serbian children – A macro-level factor analysis. Front. Public Health. 2019;7:285
- Moynihan P, Tanner LM, Holmes F, Hillier-Brown A, Mashayekhi SAM, Craig D. Systematic review of evidence pertaining to factors that modify risk of early childhood caries. JDR Clin Trans Res.
- Pieper K, Winter J, Heinzel-Gutenbrunner M. Association between a new sugar index and caries experience: Results of a cross-sectional field study. Caries Res. 2019;53:160-167.
- Schulte AG, Tsakos G. The joint ORCA-EADPH Symposium on sugar: The oral health perspective – A commentary. Caries Res. 2019;53:145-148.
- Smith SR, Johnson ST, Oldman SM, Duffy VB. Pediatric adapted liking survey: A novel, feasible and reliable dietary screening in clinical practice. Caries Res. 2019:53:153-159.
- Malinowski M, Toumba KJ, Strafford SM, Duggal MS. The effect on dental enamel of the frequency of consumption of fluoridated milk with a cariogenic challenge in situ. J. Dent. 2018;70:87-91.
- Mariño R, Traub F, Lekfuangfu P, Niyomsilp K. Cost-effectiveness analysis of a school-based dental caries prevention program using fluoridated milk in Bangkok, Thailand. BMC Oral Health. 2018;18:24.
- Peres KG, Chaffee BW, Flores-Mir C, Moynihan P, Rugg-Gunn A. Breastfeeding and Oral Health: Evidence and Methodological Challenges. J Dent Res. 2018;97(3):251-258.
- Petersen PE, Kuzmina EM, Margvelashvili VV. Effective use of fluoride for prevention of dental caries – the public health approach. Dental Forum. 2018;2:69.
- Phantumvanit P, et al. WHO Global Consultation on Public Health Intervention against Early Childhood Caries. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2018;46:280-287.
- Rugg-Gunn A. Guidelines for Fluoride Intake—Are They Appropriate? Adv Dent Res. 2018;29(2): 142- 185.
- Sah O, Atkinson G, Maguire A, Zohoori FV. Effect of altitude on fluoride excretion and retention in children (IADR, London 2018)
- Sah O, Atkinson G, Maguire A, Zohoori FV. Effect of altitude on fluoride excretion and retention in children. Caries Res. 2018;52:518 (abst 115)
- Zohoori FV, Martinez-Mier A, Maguire A, Buzalaf M, Sanderson R, Eckert GJ. Comparison of three methods for analysing fluoride in microliter-volume plasma samples. Caries Res. 2018;52:513 (abst 103)
- Cassiano L, Pessan J, Comar L, Levy F, Cardoso C, Dionisio A, Manarelli M, Grizzo L, Magalhães AC, Buzalaf M. Frequency of intake and amount of fluoride in milk for remineralization of artificial caries on enamel and dentine: Ex vivo/in situ study. Arch Oral Biol. 2017;73:136-141.
- Khitdee C. The epidemiology of early childhood caries. Thai Dental Public Health Journal. 2017;22(supp):3-13.
- Lockner F, Twetman S, Stecksén-Blicks C. Urinary fluoride excretion after application of fluoride varnish and use of fluoride toothpaste in young children. Int J Paed Dent. 2017;8:99-109.
- Malinowski M, Toumba KJ, Strafford SM, Duggal MS. The effect on dental enamel of the frequency of consumption of fluoridated milk with a cariogenic challenge in situ. J Dent.
- Norman, M, Twetman S, Hultgren A, Talvilahti E, Granström E, Stecksén-Blicks C. Urinary fluoride excretion in preschool children after intake of fluoridated milk and use of fluoride-containing toothpaste. Community Dent Health. 2017;34:27-31.
- Omid N, Maguire A, O’Hare WT, Zohoori FV. Total daily fluoride intake and fractional urinary fluoride excretion in 4- to 6-year-old children living in a fluoridated area: weekly variation? Community Dent Oral Epidemiol. 2017;45:12-19.
- Rugg-Gunn A, Durward C, Ungchusak C, Khitdee C. Early childhood caries – a major public health problem. Thai Dental Public Health Journal. 2017;22(supp):1-2.
- Rugg-Gunn A, Woodward M. Review of the aetiology of early childhood caries. Thai Dental Public Health Journal. 2017;22(supp):14-43.
- Turton B, Durward C. Management of early childhood caries – a comparison of different approaches. Thai Dental Public Health Journal. 2017;22(supp):44-61.
- Ungchusak C. Oral health promotion and prevention of early childhood caries. Thai Dental Public Health Journal. 2017;22(supp):44-61.
- WHO Expert Consultation on Public Health Intervention against Early Childhood Caries. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017 WHO/NMH/PND/17.1
- Zohoori FV, Maguire A. Determining an upper reference value for the urinary fluoride-creatinine ration in healthy children younger than 7 years. Caries Res. 2017;51:283-289.
- Cassiano LPS, Charone S, Souza JG, Leizico LC, Pessan JP, Magalhães AC, Buzalaf MAR. Protective effect of whole and fat-free fluoridated milk against dental erosion. Caries Res. 2016;50(2):111-116.
- Ngedup S, Phurpa D (2016) National oral health survey in 6- and 12-year-old Bhutanese school children. Bhutan Health Journal, 2016;(1):11-17.
- Senneby A, Elfvin M, Stebring-Franzon C, Rohlin M. A novel classification system for assessment of approximal caries lesion progression in bitewing radiographs. Dentomaxillofac Radiol. 2016;45(5):20160039.
- Rugg-Gunn AJ, Spencer AJ, Whelton HP, Jones C, Beal JF, Castle P, et al. Critique of the review of 'Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries' published by the Cochrane Collaboration in 2015. Br Dent J. 2016;220(7):335-40.
- Whitford GM, Riley DV, Schafer TE, Looney SW. Mode of drinking fluoridated milk: effect on intraoral fluoride concentrations. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2016;26:457-462.
- Zohoori FV, Maguire A. Development of a database of the fluoride content of selected drinks and foods in the UK. Caries Res. 2016;50: 331-336.
- Omid N, Maguire A, O'Hare WT, Zohoori FV. Estimation of daily dietary fluoride intake: 3-d food diary v. 2-d duplicate plate. Br J Nutr. 2015;114(12):2103-9.
- Petersen PE, Kwan S, Ogawa H. Long-term evaluation of the clinical effectiveness of community milk fluoridation in Bulgaria. Community Dent Health. 2015;32(4):199-203.