Other support

We are providing support for dental associations / organisations that promote dental public health and oral health research. 

We are very proud to be collaborating with the European Association of Dental Public Health (EADPH). Our funding has helped extend the EADPH's travel grant scheme, provide subsidised membership to 100 dental public health professionals from the lower income countries of Europe, and fund a keynote speaker at its annual scientific congress. More recently support has been provided to EADPH to help establish an oral health section within the European Public Health Association. 

The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) E.W. Borrow Memorial Award was established in 1992 to recognise and stimulate research in oral health promotion for children, with priority given to caries prevention using fluoride in different forms. The 2024 recipient is Dr Livia Tenuta from the University of Michigan, USA.

Support is provided to the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD) for the BASCD Borrow Foundation Early Career Poster Award.  The award is targeted at BASCD members in their early careers e.g., undergraduates, clinical fellows, trainees and those undertaking Masters or PhD degrees. Applicants are invited to present posters on topics relevant to population oral health including: health improvement, and oral health care and policy. The 2024 recipient was Dr Lwazi Sibanda, Specialty Registrar in Dental Public Health, Honorary Lecturer in Dental Public Health, NHS England London Region; King’s College London, for her poster 'A deep dive into London's domiciliary services'.

In recent years we have been pleased to have the opportunity to co-sponsor two Asian Chief Dental Officers’ meetings (ACDOM). ACDOM serves as a platform for Chief Dental Officers, Directors of Oral Health and Oral Health Academia to discuss issues and challenges in dentistry and the dental profession as well as to strengthen collaboration and networking within Asian countries.

A three-year grant has been provided to the British Fluoridation Society (BFS) covering the period 2022 – 2024 inclusive. Our support is helping to reinforce and extend the society’s valuable work in promoting community water fluoridation in the UK. BFS continues to collaborate with colleagues and drive the agenda forward, on the back of the Health and Social Care Act 2022, which supports the expansion of community water fluoridation across the Northeast.

A grant was also awarded to BFS for two British Fluoridation Society Career Development Fellowships. These were established by BFS to bolster the professional foundation for fluoridation, keep research relevant, and encourage younger colleagues to pursue a career interest in fluoridation.

The second fellowship has been awarded to Ryan Grocock, Honorary Clinical Research Fellow, Epidemiology & Public Health for his project entitled ‘Understanding the international experience of successful new water fluoridation schemes'. The work will be conducted from University College London (UCL).